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Personalised Approach

Professional Standards

Holistic care

Family orientated environment

Why work with us?

Bodywork is work, not just for your practitioner, but also for yourself.


  • Ancient osteopathic techniques and integrated bodywork.

  • personalized treatments tailored to your specific needs.


Holistic Care

  • Experience holistic care that seeks the root cause of your health concerns.

  • Longer -lasting results.


Dig deeper bodywork

  • Not always comfortable. Root cause

  • Body- Mind connection

  • Unhealed old traumas effect the now


Family-oriented Environment

  • Whether for yourself, spouse, parent, child.

  • Cat, dog, horse

  • We welcome you

Services for humans:

This deeper type of bodywork requires introspection, asking deeper questions as to why a problem in the body has "Surfaced". 


We can advise you on the products and services that are most suitable for you and your unique situation.


Not everybody is ready, so we asses your situation to find out if this is for you.

Services for animals:

Horse Clinic: 

  1. Before working with your horse we require details of their handling, any illnesses or past experiences.

  2. Dog Clinic:

2. Before working with your dog we require detailed information of what bodywork is required, and if or there has been any recent or old injuries


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